VISITING MR GREEN – St Jude’s Players

VISITING MR GREEN – St Jude’s Players

Reviewed by Kerry Cooper

April 2013

The play is set in the apartment of Mr. Green in the Upper West Side of Manhattan. A dusty habitat that has accumulated mail and phone books; Mr. Green has clearly let the house work go since the death of his wife. The set is wonderfully designed by Normajeane Ohlsson, with decoration provided by scattered crochet rugs, a floral lounge (that has seen better days) and dusty dark wood furniture.

After a near accident in which Mr. Green is nearly hit by a car he is called upon by the driver, Ross Gardiner as community service for his irresponsible behaviour. What develops over the weekly visits is a dialogue, filled with sentiment, honesty and longing for what might have been to the memories of what used to be.

Martin Wright is wonderfully real as Mr. Green. His frustration at what life has dealt him is never more evident than when he talks of his beloved family. His frailty pulls at the heart strings.  Alex King is strong as Ross Gardiner; a man still unsure of his place in the world and bewildered by the harsh judgment he has endured. Together an unlikely relationship forms. Tales are told of young and old, that eventually build a bridge to the purpose they both so desperately desire. Kudos to both actors for the large amount of dialogue that they alone had to carry.

Director Brian Knott has pulled together a beautiful and sentimental story that had me reaching for the tissues.

A story told this well should not be missed.

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