Triple Bypass – Hardly Working Promotions, South Dakota USA

Triple Bypass – Hardly Working Promotions, South Dakota USA

“Triple Bypass” is a captivating trilogy written by American playwright Deena MP Ronayne, presented here online as part of the Adelaide Fringe Festival. The common thread linking the plays is literally a matter of life and death. This theme is given a different treatment in each piece in ways that challenge, provoke and amuse. In “Seeking Dignity” Darnell, played with believable subtle sleaze, by Kane Anderson, is seeking inner peace and an end to the pain wracking his body. The “Friend” who knocks at his door offers no antidote as she slowly reveals Darnell’s putrid past and the fate of his victims. She easily steals control from Darnell and renders him a pathetic shell. Is she a witness as she claims? Is she Conscience paying him a timely visit? It matters little. We get the message from a nicely modulated and controlled performance by Paige Walth Tiede.

The second play “Close to Black” is set before a doorway which we learn leads to rock heaven. English singer, Amy, initially confronts American drummer and singer Karen who appears to have been waiting there for a long time. They exchange something of their past lives and of their mutual propensity for self-destruction. We know who they are. Sadly! Julia Friedrichsen plays Karen initially as a somewhat plaintive soul, but, under the influence from a much more strident and seemingly confident Amy (a beautifully English accented Michelle Schaunaman) she grows in both strength and confidence. Each delivers a poignant soliloquy denunciating the “music machine” that had so much control over them before they take the last, triumphant step, through the door to the music beyond.

“Tango-ed-Web” as the name suggests is an insect play! She, who certainly must be obeyed, a regal and haughty (black) Widow (Emily S Davis) awaits another suitor. The Bee, Curt Campbell, is the ever present Chorus who chips and chirps advice aplenty. How should a suitor tackle this desperate little mating game? How do you end up a winner and not a corpse? Jason Honerman thinks he knows how and delivers unto the Widow a seemingly flawless pitch as her next Suitor. Rival imposter suitor (Kane Anderson) is barely a flash in the Widow’s pan! Will the real Suitor please stand up? Maybe! Great fun with lively and well timed performances from the Insect Four.

I must say I really got into this little trilogy. The performances and presentation bore the mark of some tight and economical direction from Brian T Schultz and all three pieces were well paced. Deena M P Ronayne together with her colleagues associated with “Hardly Working Promotions” in far flung Aberdeen, South Dakota are duly sent congratulations from equally far flung Adelaide, South Australia. Send us some more anytime! Well done!

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This production was reviewed by:

Alan Shepley
Alan Shepley
Whilst at University and Adelaide Teachers College he performed with Adelaide Uni Footlights, Therry and Theatre Guild before being appointed to country teaching positions. Over 35 years he was involved with school and/or community theatre productions in all facets of getting a show on stage at Pt. Augusta, Kadina , Balaklava and Pt. Pirie.

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