Reviewed by Laraine Ball
October 2010
This quirky Australian play by author Mardi McConnonchie tells of the fancies and feelings of best selling author Maeve Everson as she battles cancer in her small apartment in the Chartreuse Towers building.
Director Geoff Hastwell seems to have had a fairly sympathetic approach to this play and tried hard to keep it interesting, although the nature of the script (in many places just one huge monologue) made this somewhat difficult.
Bronwyn Ruciak as Maeve Everson did a mighty job of all that dialogue. She also brought lots of empathy to the role although sometimes she was so energetic it was difficult to remember she was supposed to be ill.
With the supporting roles it was obvious that a lot of the cast were suffering from first night nerves in the beginning, however there were still some standout performances.
Mitchell Lowe as Danny Mercury Everson’s Agent had his own tale to tell intertwined with hers and told it simply and clearly. He also obviously gained in confidence during the play.Tamara Whittaker was adorable as the Fairy Godmother. Plain speaking and down to earth she got a lot of the laughs and Sarah Kostiw as Everson’s stepdaughter Jemima was excellent.
The sub-plot love affair between Emiko Fuller as Daisy and David Whittlesea as Harry was a lovely story that wasnÃt quite carried through with enough conviction, although both these players tried hard to make it so.
The set designed by Kay Lindbergs looked great, basically a large bedroom with a huge bed upon which 90% of the action was staged. In the back ground was a large fairy story tower to further enhance the fanciful atmosphere.
Unfortunately the lighting was very patchy across the front of the stage making it difficult to see faces at times but overall this was an interesting and thought provoking production.