The Case of Alex Hansen – Wings 2 Fly Theatre

The Case of Alex Hansen – Wings 2 Fly Theatre

Wings 2 Fly Theatre had planned their usual performances by young actors in two separate plays. The first play, Once Upon a Crime, for juniors aged 10+ was most unfortunately cut due to covid affecting a cast member and the Director Alicia Zorkovic.

The Case of Alex Hansen by Alan Haehnel for seniors aged 14+ started with formidable sound effects of a car crash by the Light/Sound designer Ellen Demaagd.

When Alex, played by Kit Erhart-Bruce wakes up he finds himself on trial for his life. The play takes off into drama, black comedy and some mind blowing areas. This performance by a young actor is memorable for the emotions and confusion he portrayed throughout the entire play.

The other twelve roles were cleverly devised so that each actor played multiple roles that were seamlessly brought to the stage. It is impossible to pick out any outstanding performance as the whole cast were word perfect, understandable and moved as the script required. These performances were even more amazing when one of the actors was forced out of the show to have her appendix removed and her roles were covered by this very competent cast.

Overcoming all the obstacles and a short rehearsal period of just over four days was the very talented Director Michelle Nightingale. Her ability to bring out the best in young performers is a hallmark of Wings 2 Fly Theatre. She is well supported by the other backstage stalwarts with stage manager Heather Jones, costumes by Emma Campbell and Kate Prescott sets.

It was unfortunate the audience could not see Once Upon a Time but they were very fortunate to be able to witness such a polished if not relatively short performance of just over one hour of The Case of Alex Hansen. We look forward to more Wings @ Fly Theatre productions in the fiture.

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