Seussical Jr. – Adelaide Youth Theatre

Seussical Jr. – Adelaide Youth Theatre

Jo Jo played by Emily Riddle and Cat played by Harry Ince ably explained the story of Horton the elephant and then set the scene for the opening number which was a delight with the singing and dancing of the entire cast that set the upbeat tone for the entire show.

James Farquar had the major role as Horton the Elephant who discovered the tiny people on a speck of dust which he undertook to protect despite the non-believers and dangers that could befall them. This role enabled James to show-case his exceptional ability as a singer and actor.

Kiara Linke as Gertrude McFuzz almost stole the show with her solo singing and duets with Horton plus her acting in the very amusing tantrum scene. Her portrayal as someone who never lost faith in Horton gave a message to all.

Alessica Charman as Mayzie La Bird portrayed the irresponsible bird that did not want to
sit on her own egg but cajoled Horton with her many talents to sit on the egg for her. One talent she had was her singing.

Two of the tiny people, Mr Mayor played by Nicholas Latella and Mrs Mayor played by Sophie Hill complemented each other as a caring family who tried their best to understand Jo Jo.

Others in the show had the opportunity to display their talents such as Miley Vincent as the Sour Kangaroo

One of the high lights of the show was the performance of the ensemble who did not put a foot wrong with the choreography and the many songs throughout the show. The energy they displayed was infectious.

The production team lead by the Director Ned Baulderstone and the Musical Director Kate Neville and supported by the excellent sound and lighting, choreography and costumes ensured a production they can be proud of.

Seussical Jr
Adelaide Youth Theatre
The Arts Theatre
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