Reviewed by Paul Davies

January 2014

Robin and the men are merry. The Sheriff is cowardly and stupid, Lady Merle’s a scary baddie, and

Maid Marian manages to pull off coy and feisty, sometimes in the same sentence!

If it takes a village to raise a child, it seems from the programme that it takes a small country of

people to put ninety of them onto a stage in a musical. Director Judy Sampson has somehow

managed this Herculean undertaking, and produced an evening of fun, laughter, and obviously

blooming talent. Sound, costumes, lighting, scenery, props, front-of-house. How do you begin? I’m in


I’d like to have seen a little weight behind the choreography, I’d like to have seen players standing

still when they were not moving, and I’d like to have heard some of the numbers (especially the

finale) belted out and raise the roof off. I would especially liked to have seen more smiles.

There are of course stand-out performances, and it would be unfair to single anyone out, but then

this is a review! Mitchell McFarlane, Serenna Williams, and Ella Heywood-Smith are to be heartily

congratulated for making the most of their roles. You have showcased what you can do brilliantly,

and shown the other members of your company the way.

I understand how scary it can be to get on that stage, but I think that every single person there has

the talent to shine, the secret to being confident is to pretend to be confident, Smile, and the whole

world changes. I guarantee it!

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