Out of this World – Adelaide Gang Show

Out of this World – Adelaide Gang Show

Production Director Maddie Gray and her team of far too many to mention have harnessed a huge cast of scouts and guides from all across Adelaide and environs to present a colourful , energetic and zestful 2019 Gang Show “Out of this World”.

The backbone of the production is undoubtedly its music and movement. Musical direction by David Knott coupled with arrangements by Simon Inverarity are uniformly excellent. Orchestration sounds great across the entire span of the singing, dancing and sketch performances. Much of the music and lyrics are original constructs for this show and I need to mention Nick Klau whose name appears no less than eight times in the programme. There are many other contributors that lend the show its overall air of originality.

Wardrobe mistress Michelle Challans and her large team somehow managed to effect numerous costume changes for everybody in the huge cast for its many sketches and ensemble numbers.

Of the eighteen segments “Planet of the Gods” was not only aesthetically pleasing but also lived up to its look in both music and choreography. The rendition of and solo segments in “I’m in love with a Monster” were well executed and well received by the audience. I loved the piece “Killing the Bees” with its infectious music and lyrics and the young male soloist’s contribution here is worthy of a mention. But there were many little gems from many cast members and it is almost impossible to single anybody out.

The “Blue Planet” piece got the second half of the programme off to a flying start and the “Planet of the Spots” had a great setting together with a noteworthy exhuberant ensemble rendition of “This is who I Am”. It spoke about every performer on stage and struck just the right chord.

The entire cast really hit their straps in the final segment indicating that by the sixth and final performance they just might raise the roof, literally! The side of stage sketches were okay overall but punch lines must be worked towards and delivered with panache in order to gain best response. Timing is everything! I’m sure this will improve as the season progresses.

The annual Gang Show is a huge undertaking requiring the cooperation and coordination skills of many people. Just getting it onstage is a minor miracle.

Go along and support the Scouts and Guides of South Australia. They thoroughly deserve it.

Adelaide Gang Show presents “Out of this World”
Adelaide Gang Show
Scott Theatre
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This production was reviewed by:

Alan Shepley
Alan Shepley
Whilst at University and Adelaide Teachers College he performed with Adelaide Uni Footlights, Therry and Theatre Guild before being appointed to country teaching positions. Over 35 years he was involved with school and/or community theatre productions in all facets of getting a show on stage at Pt. Augusta, Kadina , Balaklava and Pt. Pirie.

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