MIKADO – S A Light Opera Society

MIKADO – S A Light Opera Society

Reviewed by Jacqui Wall

August 2015

SA Light Opera Society as its name suggests, specialises in Opera for the general population.  This light, farcical look at the aristocracy of Japan as perceived by Mssrs Gilbert and Sullivan could never be put in the category of high-brow.  From the characters to the setting, this production is very much tongue-in-cheek.  Even references to recent local happenings do not get a reprieve, which the audience in general got a giggle out of.

Stephanie Foy as Yum-Yum, Damon Hill as Ko-Ko, Graham Loveday as Nanki-Poo and David Roberts as Poo-Bah led an enthusiastic cast through the many intricacies of this opera. The chorus was extremely well rounded and right from the opening number, we knew the singing would be creditable.  

The orchestra, small in size but wonderfully led by Musical Director Helen Loveday does extremely well given they are onstage for the duration. Costumes, designed by Cyndy Trezise with the assistance of Pam Tucker and Jenny Francis are colourful. Lighting and sound were also appropriate for this piece and the venue.

What totally amazed me was the opportunity to tour backstage after the performance.  The male dressing room was immediately behind a screen separating the stage space from the dressing room much like a cyc wall and there was not a sound heard by the audience at any time.  Many other companies could learn from this outstanding off-stage discipline.

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This production was reviewed by:

Jacqui Wall
Jacqui Wall
Involved in theatre since 1980, with Scout Performing Arts then later branching out to TASA companies. Jacqui has been involved in many aspects of theatre including: cast, directing, production and stage management and most other departments. Jacqui has been fortunate to learn lighting from some of the best including Bill Everett of Apollo Lighting.

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