LIFE AFTER GEORGE – Stirling Players Incorporated

LIFE AFTER GEORGE – Stirling Players Incorporated


Reviewed by Wendy Mildren

October 2001

Stirling Players’ latest production was Life After George, written by Hannie Rayson and directed by John Graham. It was a complex play to produce due to the forty one scene changes. However, the Players overcame this with a minimalistic set, which worked very well, and with the actors moving seamlessly from scene to scene.

The play began with the death of Peter George and proceeded to dissect his life, loves, political aspirations and his work as a Professor. His three wives tell the story with flashbacks of their time with George.

Shona Benson, as Beatrix the first wife and mother of his two children, was splendid, as was Shelley Hampton as the ambitious academic Lindsay, his second wife. The interactions between the two of these proficient actresses kept the play together.

However, Ernie Tinesz as the charismatic idealistic George missed sadly. He was unsure of his lines from the first scene and continued to fumble through most of the others. Because he had not mastered his lines, he was unable to produce the character as it should be portrayed. In a couple of scenes he did manage to produce the bon-vivant that was needed for his character, but because he was not sure of his lines he was not able to maintain it.

Angelique Houston as Poppy the number three wife played her part well. Miriam Keane as George’s daughter Ana was very believable. Malcolm Walton as George’s oldest friend, was a little too monotone for me.

Sound effects and lighting worked well.

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