High School Musical – Balaklava Community Arts

High School Musical – Balaklava Community Arts

High School Musical is a very ambitious production for any theatre company to attempt let alone Community Theatre which does not always have the infrastructure or networks that city companies rely upon.  Most people know the Disney movie and that is what they are expecting with all the flash that goes with it, so it is a very confident company that would try and re-produce said production.  BCA achieve this exceptionally well with a very talented and enthusiastic cast and an impressive production team.

The choreography for the show was exceptional and well executed by all.  This is never an easy discipline for any show given the range of abilities but the mass numbers were tight.

The sets were minimal and simplistic but worked well to define the space the performers were working in.  Lighting too was used effectively to draw attention to where the director wanted the audience to focus.  The only letdown was the audio but hopefully this will improve over the season and it is not unique to BCA.

Reading the bio’s of some the performers, BCA appears to have a plethora of hidden talent  and whilst I am reluctant to admit this is my first outing to BCA it will definitely not be my last.  I strongly encourage all our members to take a trip along Highway 1 to support this amazing community and possibly even find the next lead for your own production.

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This production was reviewed by:

Jacqui Wall
Jacqui Wall
Involved in theatre since 1980, with Scout Performing Arts then later branching out to TASA companies. Jacqui has been involved in many aspects of theatre including: cast, directing, production and stage management and most other departments. Jacqui has been fortunate to learn lighting from some of the best including Bill Everett of Apollo Lighting.

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