Going Postal – Unseen Theatre Company

Going Postal – Unseen Theatre Company

The headline on the front page of the Ankh-Morpork Times newspaper reads
“One penny to lick Lord Vetinari’s back side”

It gave the Opening Night audience just one of the many laughs in “Going Postal”.

Pamela Munt directed, produced and also played three roles in this stage adaptation by Stephen Briggs of Terry Pratchett’s book. She did a fantastic job, adapting and interpreting to create humour, drama and special effects into an excellent performance, which never faltered and flowed well.

Nicholas Andrews, as Moist Von Lipwig, con artist and sweet talker, kept the action alive with his cheeky banter.

Junior Postman Tolliver Grunt was cleverly portrayed by Hugh O’Connor. And the Apprentice Postman/ Pin Man/Head of Stamps was convincingly depicted by Sam Tutty.

Paul Messenger was well cast as Reacher Gilt, playing the tall, dark and handsome villain.

I also enjoyed Adam Thurstensson’s portrayals of sweet Sacharissa Cripslock, and the evil Gryle.

All the other actors and actresses were excellent. I just don’t have room to list them individually!

Andrew Zeuner’s set design were cleverly planned and devised to split the Bakehouse Theatre space into four areas of action with no curtains or walls. Samantha Philips’ props were well chosen.

The fourth wall was broken several times in this production, inviting the audience to participate more fully with special lighting effects, actions and music.

Lighting and sound design by Stephen Dean teamed with Eleanor Adams and Aliscia Dowell was inventive, especially the use of spotlight when a character voices his thoughts directly to the audience. Fire effects, voice effects and Beatles music added to the special magic touches.

Minimal furniture and props were balanced by sound and light effects to create the backdrop for the actors to shine. Costumes were simple, tasteful and appropriate to add to characterisations.

The audience loved the show. There was consistent laughter and it was evident that those fans who had read the Terry Pratchett books responded to the deeper meanings of the author. A funny, quirky, well presented comedic portrayal from Unseen Theatre.

Going Postal
Unseen Theatre Company
Bakehouse Theatre
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