Bimbo – Presented by Hannah Smith

Bimbo – Presented by Hannah Smith

Local producer Hannah Smith presents “Bimbo” written and
directed by the talented Amelia Rooney at the Goodwood Theatres as a part of
the Adelaide Fringe. In 50 minutes, this feminist production uses song and
movement to tell the stories of young women and bring to light the challenges
that young queer women face, from homophobia and transphobia to sexism, sexualisation
and “loss of purity”.


The cast of six featuring Ava-Rose Askew, Shanna Ransley,
Jordan Bender, Dharini Rajaramanan, Ella Moll and Hannah McGrath are a
collective powerhouse. Each performer individually  tells their story through a song, whilst
working together as an ensemble to tell the story of many women.


The collection of songs ranged from “I Kissed a Girl” by
Katy Perry, to “The Bitch of Living” from the musical Spring Awakening (an
absolute highlight). Each song was delivered with emotion and gusto. A
memorable moment was the rap, performed brilliantly by Askew, Ransley and
McGrath. A nice added comedic moment (with serious undertones, of course!).


McGrath’s version of Take Me To Church was a standout.
McGrath’s solo was heartfelt and honest – a truly moving performance.


Dharini Rajaramanan performed Jensen McRae’s “Wolves”
beautifully and Shanna Ransley’s solo “I am King” was captivating from
beginning to end.


It was occasionally difficult to hear the singers in the
softer moments of the songs, with music overpowering the voices. The script
could use a little tweaking, as it occasionally felt a little repetitive and
disjointed. Weaving a storyline through could create an even more engaging piece
of theatre. 


The voiceovers, cleverly woven into the piece, were a great
addition with sayings such as “you run like a girl”, “you’re asking for it”
“this is a man’s job” and “I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny by
this man” repeating throughout.


Writer and director Amelia Rooney has put together an
excellent production that touches on topics that are all too real and occur all
too often. I look forward to seeing what Rooney does in the future!

Ultimately, this group of badass women (from producer, to
director, to cast) have created an important piece of feminist theatre, one
that makes me proud to be a young woman – so thank you!


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