A Christmas Carol – Adelaide Repertory Theatre

A Christmas Carol – Adelaide Repertory Theatre

It’s beginning to look like Christmas!

The audience and I enjoyed this comedic adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic story, comically adapted by Patrick Barlow and well directed by Megan Dansie.  She wove
together the action, actors, audio-visuals and comedy to create a lovely expression of the essence of Christmas.

A set without walls is always a challenge, and it was cleverly executed, especially the door, and other very inventive ideas by Kate Prescott and her team! Claire Langford’s puppets and the two puppeteers (Jacqui Maynard and Max Rayner) were delightful, surprising, funny and very expressive.

I especially loved the Ghost of Christmas Present – both the costume and hilarious over-acting by Georgia Stockham. She was excellent in all her roles. Tony Busch was on stage for nearly the whole play and he carried it with great style – being grumpy and bitter; pessimistic and cynical and then the awakened, reformed, trying-to-be-friendly Uncle Scrooge!

Matt Houston played the cringing, defensive Bob Cratchit to great effect.

All other actors and actresses played multiple parts, (including the children!) which were cleverly woven into the action.

The audience enjoyed the humour of many visual gags – eg signing the contract “here and here and here and here…” and travelling to“other dimensions” and “yes sir” –“I’m Madam!” And the fourth wall was broken as the actors interacted with the audience!

Many amazing costumes by Sandy Alexander, Isabelle Zengerer and Aubade were well designed to the setting up of different characters.

Christmas carols and songs were sprinkled through the performance, with a sing along as well!

The Opening Scene on Opening Night was slow and lacked excitement, probably due to first night nerves, however the actions improved as the show went on – to several climaxes and then the finale. Even if you know the original story, this version is a fun adaptation, well worth seeing!

A Christmas Carol
The Adelaide Repertory Theatre
The Arts Theatre
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