Reviewing Guidelines

Revised as of: 2018

Reviews are published in Encore magazine, the monthly publication of TASA and on the association website at All reviewers for TASA are volunteers. Remuneration is only in the form of two free tickets and a complimentary programme.

Conflict of interest It is absolutely vital that you let the Review Coordinator know if you have a conflict of interest or a percieved or potential conflict with a production you are asked to review. Please be careful to declare any coflict of interest real or percieved. Any direct relatioship or friendship may put you in a difficult position. If you are unsure  seek guidance fromthe review coordinator or the president. Our theatrical community is small. You will probably know or be friends with at least one person involved with most shows that you review.  Take care when mixing with friends associated with the production on review night.  Don’t let them influence you. If you cannot be honest then you must not review the production. 

Review format Length of reviews: approx 250 words. This was, if you’ll pardon the expression, critical. In a space-limited magazine we simply could not accommodate longer articles.Since we no longer rely on a print medium, reviews can be longer but please use this as a guide.  If you write a lot less, the company may feel you have not give due consideration.If you wish to write more you can submit a longer review, but please be prepared for either the Encore editor or the webmaster to cut sections if it is too long..

Recommendations If when reviewing a production you feel that the production itself, one of the performers or one of the technical aspects are good enough to be considered for a TASA award please contact the Review Coordinator as soon as possible either by phone or email to lodge a recommendation. The Review Coordinator will then attempt to arrange for further reviewers to attend the production.

Deadline Your review must be submitted within two days of seeing the production. Please bear in mind that some performers wait for your review and companies many want to include quotes (if the production is good)! The sooner you submit your review, the less likely it is you will forget details that you should have mentioned in the review. Please also remember that TASA’s prime aim is to promote our companies and that while pointing out faults and mistakes is part of the job, we want to be constructive. Take particular care when reviewing children, you don’t want to be responsible for destroying a career before it begins.

Reviews should be sent to Encore Editor –, Review Coordinator – and Web Manager –

Reviews for the monthly Encore magazine are due by the 15th of each month. We will post your review online a.s.a.p.

Contact the Review Coordinator

If you are interested in being a reviewer or looking to book a reviewer for your next production contact our review coordinator today.


Alan Shepley
Ben Proeve
David Smith
Lindsay Dunn
Lindsay Dunn
Richard Lane
Terry Mountstephen