Information to share with your Committee and Members.

Re: How you can help us help you.

TASA is working furiously to ensure that in addition to the normal benefits for our Group Members, we are also providing as much useful information as possible to our theatre community about how we are all responding to the impacts of the COVID-19 virus.

At this very challenging time, it is more important than ever that we are regularly communicating with our broad community of theatre practitioners and theatregoers.

Maintaining a positive engagement with our community and audiences will help to make sure they are ready and excited to support all of our companies and venues as we respond to the current restrictions and prepare to re-open our doors and get back to the stage.

We believe that TASA has a very important role to play in supporting our Group Members and your audiences by acting as a central point for sharing information about your Company’s current activities and how you are preparing for an eventual re-launch.

At the beginning of 2020, TASA introduced Free Individual Membership and increased our focus on building numbers across our social media platforms and mailing lists so that we can more effectively support our Group Members. Via these channels, we are now able to directly communicate with more than 1,750 people which places us in an increasingly strong position to support our Association.

That said, we believe that there is much more to be done and that a critical activity is to continue building TASA’s individual membership base so that we are getting relevant news to as many people as possible as speedily as possible.

As such, can you please share the attached message about TASA’s free Individual Membership offer to all of your members via your mailing lists, Facebook and Instagram pages and any other social media platforms as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about this or other suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Michael Eustice
President Theatre Association of South Australia

Dog barking/ announcing that TASA membership is now free for individuals

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