A musical comedy with two left feet! Set in 80's England, this heartwarming story follows nine women and one man who gather weekly in a dance hall! Each character brings their own unique journey, turning every step into a celebration of joy and transformation!
A musical comedy with two left feet! Set in 80's England, this heartwarming story follows nine women and one man who gather weekly in a dance hall! Each character brings their own unique journey, turning every step into a celebration of joy and transformation!
A musical comedy with two left feet! Set in 80's England, this heartwarming story follows nine women and one man who gather weekly in a dance hall! Each character brings their own unique journey, turning every step into a celebration of joy and transformation!
A musical comedy with two left feet! Set in 80's England, this heartwarming story follows nine women and one man who gather weekly in a dance hall! Each character brings their own unique journey, turning every step into a celebration of joy and transformation!
A musical comedy with two left feet! Set in 80's England, this heartwarming story follows nine women and one man who gather weekly in a dance hall! Each character brings their own unique journey, turning every step into a celebration of joy and transformation!
A musical comedy with two left feet! Set in 80's England, this heartwarming story follows nine women and one man who gather weekly in a dance hall! Each character brings their own unique journey, turning every step into a celebration of joy and transformation!
A musical comedy with two left feet! Set in 80's England, this heartwarming story follows nine women and one man who gather weekly in a dance hall! Each character brings their own unique journey, turning every step into a celebration of joy and transformation!