In this delightful adaptation of Sleeping Beauty, the timeless fairy tale springs to life with a young cast, perfect for children and families. Follow Princess Aurora’s journey as she grows up under the protection of good fairies, unaware of the evil fairy Morgana’s curse. As good fairies, lovable forest animals, and a brave young prince […]
In this delightful adaptation of Sleeping Beauty, the timeless fairy tale springs to life with a young cast, perfect for children and families. Follow Princess Aurora’s journey as she grows up under the protection of good fairies, unaware of the evil fairy Morgana’s curse. As good fairies, lovable forest animals, and a brave young prince […]
In this delightful adaptation of Sleeping Beauty, the timeless fairy tale springs to life with a young cast, perfect for children and families. Follow Princess Aurora’s journey as she grows up under the protection of good fairies, unaware of the evil fairy Morgana’s curse. As good fairies, lovable forest animals, and a brave young prince […]
In this delightful adaptation of Sleeping Beauty, the timeless fairy tale springs to life with a young cast, perfect for children and families. Follow Princess Aurora’s journey as she grows up under the protection of good fairies, unaware of the evil fairy Morgana’s curse. As good fairies, lovable forest animals, and a brave young prince […]