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Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
24 November 2019 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Marie Clark Musical Theatre proudly presents ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’, showing at the Arts Theatre in July 2020.
Come and hear from the production team about their plans for this fan-favourite hit musical, and how you can be involved!
Lyrics by Tim Rice
Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Director – Matt Smith
Musical Director – Serena Martino-Williams
Choreographer – Madeline Edwards
Assistant to the Choreographer – Celeste Barone
Auditions will begin Sunday, 8 December 2019. Auditionees interested in the roles of a brother or wife must be able to attend a dancers group audition on Sunday, 8 December 2019, in addition to booking an individual character audition. Check out the MCMT website for further audition information: http://www.marieclark.asn.au/joseph-and-the-amazing-technicolor-dreamcoat-show-info/
All roles will be open to audition. Some roles may require doubling-up, depending on outcome of auditions.
Narrator (male/female | stage age 30-40)
Vocal range: story teller; Male F2 – G#4, Female F3 – G#5
Character description: A character not of the time or place. The Narrator needs to be able to tell the story through words and song, guiding the audience gently through the story of Joseph and his brothers. Usually gives meaning to the story with his/her words, so this person will need to have strong storytelling abilities.
Choreography: must be able to walk and sing confidently at the same time. Minimal movement required.
Joseph (male | stage age 18-25)
Vocal range: sweet and innocent; A3 – A5
Character description: Eleventh son of Jacob, and his father’s favourite. Joseph shows early on a talent for interpreting dreams and telling the future. This gets him into trouble with his brothers (who are already jealous of Joseph because he is Jacob’s favourite), who fake his death and place him into slavery. However, Joseph’s special abilities saves his life when he correctly predicts the future based on the Pharaoh’s dreams.
Choreography: needs to be fit, this role requires a good mover/dancer.
Jacob (male | stage age 50-60)
Vocal range: mid-range; A3 – C4
Character description: The father of twelve sons, with Joseph his obvious favourite. At times, Jacob may appear to be unfair and shallow, but more importantly, he is the prophet who recognises the future and true calling of Joseph. Usually doubles as Potiphar in most productions.
Choreography: no movement required.
Potiphar (male | stage age 35-45)
Vocal range: stern and warm; D3 – C4
Character description: A powerful and rich Egyptian, Potiphar purchases Joseph and puts him to work in his household, where he soon realises that Joseph is honest, hardworking, and a great addition to his pool of help. He grows suspicious of Mrs Potiphar and Joseph, and eventually throws Joseph into prison after catching Mrs Potiphar making unwanted advances towards him. Usually doubles as Jacob in most productions.
Choreography: minimal movement.
Mrs Potiphar (female | stage age 25-35, dependent on the age of Potiphar)
Vocal range: D3 – C4
Character description: Beautiful, self-indulgent and scheming, Mrs Potiphar tries to seduce Joseph but is unsuccessful. However, she manages to stage a compromising scene with an unwilling Joseph that Potiphar sees and misconstrues, leading him to condemn Joseph to prison. Mrs Potiphar is usually played by one of the wives in most productions.
Choreography: this role requires a strong mover/dancer.
Pharaoh (male | stage age 35-50)
Vocal range: rock ‘n’ roll (in the style of Elvis Presley); B3 – A4
Character description: The most powerful man in Egypt, the Pharaoh is considered a god on earth. When Joseph interprets his dreams correctly, the Pharaoh promotes him to one of the highest positions in his government. In this production, the Pharaoh will be portrayed as an Elvis Presley style figure.
Choreography: must be able to move well and must be a performer with obvious stage presence.
Reuben (male | stage age 25-30)
Vocal range: B3 – A4
Character description: Eldest son of Jacob. He and his brothers are jealous of their father’s obvious affection for Joseph. The character of Reuben usually takes the lead in “One More in Heaven”.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Simeon (male | stage age 25-30)
Vocal range: C3 – Ab5
Character description: Second son of Jacob. He and his brothers are jealous of their father’s obvious affection for Joseph. The character of Simeon usually takes the lead in “Those Canaan Days”.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Levi (male | stage age 25-30)
Vocal range: various
Character description: The third son of Jacob. He and his brothers are jealous of their father’s obvious affection for Joseph.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Judah (male | stage age 20-25)
Vocal range: F3 – F4
Character description: The fourth son of Jacob. He and his brothers are jealous of their father’s obvious affection for Joseph. The character of Judah usually takes the lead in “Benjamin Calypso”.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Dan (male | stage age 20-25)
Vocal range: various
Character description: The fifth son of Jacob. He and his brothers are jealous of their father’s obvious affection for Joseph.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Naphtali (male | stage age 20-25)
Vocal range: various
Character description: The sixth son of Jacob. He and his brothers are jealous of their father’s obvious affection for Joseph.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Gad (male | stage age 20-25)
Vocal range: various
Character description: The seventh son of Jacob. He and his brothers are jealous of their father’s obvious affection for Joseph.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Asher (male | stage age 18-20)
Vocal range: various
Character description: The eighth son of Jacob. He and his brothers are jealous of their father’s obvious affection for Joseph.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Issachar (male | stage age 18-20)
Vocal range: various
Character description: The ninth son of Jacob. He and his brothers are jealous of their father’s obvious affection for Joseph.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Zebulun (male | stage age 18-20)
Vocal range: various
Character description: The tenth son of Jacob. He and his brothers are jealous of their father’s obvious affection for Joseph.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Benjamin (male | stage age 16-18)
Vocal range: various
Character description: The twelfth son of Jacob. He is the youngest and most innocent of the brothers.
Choreography: this role requires a mover/dancer.
Baker (male | no defined stage age)
Vocal range: warm/storyteller; D#3 – G4
Character description: One of the Pharaoh’s servants, the Baker is in prison at the same time as Joseph. Joseph interprets his dream, correctly predicting that the Baker will be put to death. This role can be played by one of the brothers.
Choreography: no movement required.
Butler (male | no defined stage age)
Vocal range: warm/storyteller; B3 – F4
Character description: Another one of the Pharaoh’s servants, the Butler is also in prison with Joseph. From his dreams, Joseph correctly interprets that the Butler will be released and taken back into the Pharaoh’s household. It is the Butler who tells the Pharaoh about Joseph and his uncanny dreams. This role can be played by one of the brothers.
Choreography: no movement required.
The wives (female | stage age 21-40)
Vocal range: various
Character description: The wives of Jacob (10-15 wives required). Wives will also double-up as Egyptians and the servants of Potiphar.
Choreography: these roles require movers/dancers.
The Ishmaelites (male/female | no defined stage age)
Vocal range: B4 – B5 snake, E#3 – C4 camel
Character description: Men of the desert, the Ishmaelites buy Joseph as a slave, and then take him to Egypt to sell to Potiphar. Minimum of two Ishmaelites required.
Choreography: no movement required.
Children’s chorus (boys and girls | 7-16 years of age)*
Vocal range: various, but harmony work will be required
Character description: The children’s chorus (also not of this time, like the Narrator) will be used throughout the show to tell the story. They will be involved in both the singing and dance numbers (more so than in most other productions). Two sets of children chorus will be required (each consisting of 12 children maximum).
Choreography: the children’s chorus must be able to move and dance.
* Auditions for the children’s chorus will be on Sunday, 8 December 2019. Additional detail will be provided at the Information Session, and can be read on our website now: http://www.marieclark.asn.au/joseph-and-the-amazing-technicolor-dreamcoat-show-info/