TASA TheatriCAL Award Changes


The TASA management committee met last month and came to a decision regarding the 2025 Awards Night.  

As you know, since the advent of Covid-19, the Awards Night has been held later in the year than previously.  However, we have been easing the presentation night earlier in the year for a couple of years now, and from 2025 onwards, the presentations will be held in February, as was the earlier TASA practice.  That’s for a couple of good reasons: to hand out the Awards closer in time to the actual performances; and to avoid the large number of clashes with our member groups’ productions. (This year the awards night in June clashed with productions or activities of at least four of our member companies.)

What does this mean? We will now end the Award judgement year on 31st October, to allow time for planning the event.  This means the awards next year will consider all productions whose opening night is between 1st Jan, 2024 and 31st October, 2024. Any 2024 productions after that will be included in the following year’s Awards.

So in the following year, the awards year will be from 1st November to 31st October, and the intention is to use that timetable for subsequent years.

This also means that all nominations for the Bravo Award and the Matt Byrne Award must be submitted by 31st October this year, and in subsequent years.

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Lindsay Dunn
Worked in performing arts since 1976 and is an accomplished singer/guitarist. As an actor, he has worked with over 15 different community theatre companies in Adelaide, including Adelaide Rep, University Theatre Guild, Galleon, Hills Musical Company, Marie Clark, Stirling Players, St Jude’s, Therry and Red Phoenix.