Visiting Mr Green – Galleon Theatre Group

Visiting Mr Green – Galleon Theatre Group

“Visiting Mr Green”, Galleon Theatre’s latest production down at the Marion Cultural Centre is an outstanding two-hander in a cabaret audience setting, where two men, complete strangers, confront each other after one man (Andrew Clark) is ordered by a court to pay weekly visits to an 86 year-old widower (Andrew Horwood) whom he has almost ran down in his car.

Both actors, who have never worked together before, give superb performances as their relationship melts from Horwood’s character’s resentment at his visitor’s intrusion to understanding his behaviour.

Thus, the nine scenes bubble along, although it’s not a ‘laugh-out-loud’ comedy.

This was playwright Jeff Baron’s first work to be produced on Broadway, and which received much critical acclaim.

Here, Director Vicky Horwood has skilfully brought out all the plot’s developments amid an award winning set which is complete to the smallest detail. Plaudits therefore go to Kym Clayton, Vicky Horwood and Vivienne Wray, as well as their lighting, plus Warren McKenzie and Scott Battersby’s sound, and Southern Sparky Services for their help.

While I dare not divulge more of the plot, Vicky Horwood in her program notes states that she hopes any audience will recognise the underlying theme that prejudice can be overcome by communication and consideration.

Above all, one leaves the theatre, if you can successfully negotiate the car park maze, even with generous assistance from fellow motorists, reeling from the very polished performances from both actors who deserve fulsome praise for their fine night’s work. Bravo! Until Saturday. GO !

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